I have other sheep ...

I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. (NIV Joh 10:16)

We all know the parable of the Good Shepherd. It is one of the most beloved stories in the Bible. Reading it makes you want to become a sheep in the Lord's flock. I then see in my imagination that picture of a shepherd with a sheep on his neck. It was lost and found and so carried by the shepherd to bring it back to the flock.

The other day I read the story of the Good Shepherd again and became intrigued about that little phrase in verse 16 which says: "I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen."

As I thought about it, I was reminded of an incident. I am a member of the church that is just in my residential neighborhood. Next to our church building, adjacent to the parking lot, for many years there was a small building. It fit 15 persons at most. Actually, none of us knew what went on in that little building. During the week I had seen people playing musical instruments with each other, but otherwise nobody really paid attention to that small building.

During a Sunday morning service, the pastor was about to preach his sermon. Just a few minutes into it, one of the elders suddenly got up and walked across the church and out the door. Everyone looks after him and pays no attention to the sermon anymore. What is going on everyone thinks. Something like this just never happens in our tightly organized church. The preacher resumes his sermon and everyone shifts their focus back to listening.

Ten minutes later, the elder comes back into the church and with him a small group of beautifully dressed men and women from Africa. The preacher falls silent. The whole church looks back.

The elder saw everybody looking at him and take word: "I just had a very restless feeling and felt an urge to go outside. Outside I saw these people standing. They wanted to go to their church service in the little building next door, but they mentioned to me there has been a fire earlier this week and now they can't get in for their service. I invited them to join us.

Turns out, for years believers from Ghana had been meeting every Sunday in that little building next door. Their gathering began half an hour after ours, so we had never seen them at the start of our church meetings. And when we finished, their service was still in full swing. We had no idea.

Two completely different faith communities were meeting every Sunday 50 meters apart, but the large church had no notion of the existence of the small church next door. Because our elder responded to the urging in his heart, we came in contact with these believers who also want to gather to listen to the Word of the Lord.

That Sunday, introductions were made and of course it was arranged that this small French-speaking faith community could use one of our halls on coming Sundays.

Apparently we can get so absorbed in our own world, our own church, our own favorite Bible translation that we no longer realize that Jesus says He has other sheep as well. He takes care of these sheep as well.

Africa, South America and numerous other countries are so far away. We have no idea what is happening there. I was reminded of this when someone wrote to me this week that the need for Bibles in Africa is 100 times greater than the whole of Europe put together. And this is not just about printed Bibles. The Online Bible app is downloaded thousands of times a week in some African countries. There is a huge need for good Bible translations and good reference books to go with the Bible.

When we started the Online Bible apps years ago, our goal was to offer 20% of the content for free, but soon the demand proved far too great and the available finances of many African users far too little. The limit shifted from 20% to 30% free and further up. We are now moving toward 80 percent free and seeing that the need is only increasing.

But so much free does present new challenges. How do we fund it? Hence, over the course of this year, we are highlighting Professional Premium Use. Professional Premium Use allows us to give not only the best to you, but also in Africa and South America, numerous Bibles and study aids in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

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